今天在第四台看了第三次的SWING GIRLS



日本的紅綠燈在過馬路的時候,會放送"Comin' through the Rye"這首名曲(日本譯名"故鄉的天空"),劇中藉由她們過馬路時聽到這首歌而突發的靈感,配合她們從老師那學到的"爵士是把重拍放在節奏的後半"理論,讓她們體會到"什麼音樂都可以用jazz的風格演奏",一下子就掌握到爵士演奏中最難掌握的節奏訣竅。畫面上配合桌球的節奏、車掌小姐指揮倒車的節奏,主婦們拍打棉被的節奏(這個畫面裡還有女生很有節奏地掌摑男朋友),儘管上面提到的重拍理論也許只是演奏爵士的眾多要點裡最微不足道的common sence,但也證明了,音樂其實就在我們的生活之中,節奏俯拾即是,你曾在騎車等紅燈時無意識地用手指打著節拍?你曾在做家事時無意識地突然唱起歌來?這代表了音樂是生活的一部分,更是我們生命的一部分,只要你抓對了節拍,每個人都可能是某一種特定音樂的天才,都可以更加體會並享受到音樂帶來的樂趣。


其中,最後的片尾曲也跟The Family Man 一樣讓我很印象深刻跟感動

就是L.O.V.E 在網路上找了兩個連結讓沒聽過也聽看看


Nat King Cole L-O-V-E


L is for the way you look at me
O is for the only one I see
V is very very extraordinary
E is even more than anyone that you adore and love

It`s all that I can give to you
Love is more than just a game for two
Two in love can make it
Take my heart but please don`t break it

Love was made for me and you

Yeah L is for the way you look- you`re lookin` at me
And O is for the only one I see
V is so very very extraordinary
Now E is even more than any-any-anyone that you adore can love

It`s all that I`m gonna give to you
Oh love is more than just a game for two
Two in love can make it

Take my heart but please don`t break it
Cause love was made for me and you
I`m a tellin` you that love was made for me and you
Don`t you know that love was made for me and you

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